Polycom VVX 500 Business Media Phone User Guide
Recent Calls
Your phone maintains lists of missed, received, and placed calls. Each list can hold up to 100 entries.
The Recent Calls list displays calls in one of the following ways:
Missed Calls only
Placed Calls only
Received Calls only
All Calls (missed, placed, and received)
You can choose the type of list to display, and sort and order calls in various ways. By default, the list
displays all calls, as shown next.
Icons display next to a call, depending which type of call it is:
Placed calls display .
Received calls display .
Missed calls display .
To view Recent Calls:
From Home view, tap New Call, and tap Recent. You may also be able to access Recent Calls by
tapping Directories from Home view, and tapping Recent Calls.
Timesaver: Quickly Accessing Recent Calls
To quickly access your Recent Calls, tap in Lines, Calls, or Active Call view.