
Polycom, Inc. 71
Media Management
You can archive your conferences and manage your archives.
Manage Archives
You can view all files recorded by the RealPresence Capture Server system in the Media > Archives page.
An administrator can view, play back, delete, download, or re-transcode these media files.
View Archive Details
On the Media > Archives page, administrators can view a summary of each archive.
Archive Details
Play Back and Download Archives
The RealPresence Capture Server system can transcode recorded videos into different formats, layouts
and bit rates, including:
RAW: RAW bit stream is automatically generated after the system completes the recording, also can
be transcoded if transcoding template is configured.
The RAW files are stored in a proprietary format. They are used as the source file to transcode other
media formats. For detailed transcoding settings, refer to Configure Transcoding Templates.
MP4: MP4 archives (Also known as H.264 streaming files) can be downloaded.
Parameter Description
ID The ID for this archive.
Name The name of the archive.
Duration The duration of the archive.
Video Type The video codec type used by the archive.
Audio Type The audio codec type used by the archive.
Content Type The content video type of the archive.
Key Words The keywords for this archive.
Description Additional user information.