
3 • 2 Set Printer Driver Options:
To open the P50i Printer screen, right mouse click on your driver icon and select Properties.
Change the options as follows:
1• On the Device Settings tab the magnetic encoder feature is automatically enabled. If you need to change
settings for a Magnetic Encoder, select Encoder settings button.
2• On the General tab select card orientation:
Landscape or Portrait - Select “Landscape”.
(in NT, this is located under Document Defaults when you right mouse click from your driver icon. In Windows
2000 and XP, it is located under Print preferences.)
3• In the Ribbon section, the ribbon type is automatically detected and enabled for you.
3a• You can click on “ribbon Info” and see how many panels are left.
4• In the same tab, go to Black Panel area and select Text Only. This option allows the text printing using the Black
Resin Panel from the Color Ribbon.
5• Close the Polaroid P50i Printer screen.
Now that you have loaded media and set up the printer driver, the P50i Printer is ready to print.