
Careand Maintenance
LCD Displaypanelinformation
ImportantInformationRegardingUseof VideoGames,Computers, Captionsor OtherFixedImage Displays.
Theextended useoffixed imageprogram material cancause a permanent"shadowimage"on theLCD panel.
This background image is viewable on normal programs in the form of a stationary fixed image. This type of irreversible LCD panel
deterioration canbe limitedbyobservingthe followingsteps:
A. Reducethe brightness/contrast settingtoaminimumviewing level.
B.Donotdisplay thefixed imageforextended periodsof time.
C.Turnthepoweroffwhen notinactual use.
Themarking or retainedimageon theLCD panelresultingfrom fixedimage use is not an operatingdefectand assuchis not coveredby
Warranty.Thisproductis not designedtodisplay fixedimage patternsfor extendedperiodsof time.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Tocleanthis unit, wipewith asoft, dry cloth.
Ifthe surfacesare extremelydirty,useasoftcloth dipped inasoap andwater solutionor aweak detergent solution.
• Useeyeglass cleanerto removestubborn dirtfrom the LCD.
• Neverusealcohol, paintthinner or benzinetocleanthis unit.
• Beforeusingachemically treated cloth, readthe instructionsthat camewith thecloth carefully.