Periodic Maintenance Chart
Ź Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use.
E Emission-Related Service
D Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.
Item Maintenance Interval
(whichever comes first)
Hours Calendar Miles
Ź Cooling Hoses 100 H 12 M - Inspect for leaks; replace if necessary
Ź Engine mounts 100 H 12 M - Inspect, torque to specifications
Exhaust silencer/pipe 100 H 12 M - Inspect
D, E Fuel system 100 H 12 M - Check for leaks at fill cap, fuel lines and fuel
D Front wheel bearings 100 H 12 M 1000
Inspect; replace as needed
Ź Front Gearcase lubricant
(Demand Drive Plus)
100 H 12 M 1000
Change lubricant
Ź Transmission lubricant
(AGL Gearcase
100 H 12 M 1000
Change lubricant
Hydraulic, hydrostatic and
power steering hoses
100 H 12 M 1000
Inspect for damage and leaks; repair or
replace as needed
Ź Radiator 100 H 12 M 1000
Inspect; clean external surfaces
Ź Wiring 100 H 12 M 1000
Inspect for wear, routing, security; apply
dielectric grease to connectors subjected to
water, mud, etc.
Cooling system - 12 M - Test coolant strength and pressure test
ŹE Air filter 150 H - - Replace air filter; replace more often if
vehicle is subject to severe use
E Fuel filter/water separator 150 H 12 M - Replace fuel filter / water separator