
Riding Rules
X Never ride alone. An adult should always be watching you in case you need help. Always
drive within the sight of an adult.
X Never ride on public trails.
X Don't ride your ATV on roads or over railroad tracks. Your ATV makes noise that will
keep you from hearing cars, trucks or trains that may be coming towards you.
X Don't ride at night. Your ATV doesn't have lights that are safe for driving in the dark.
X Learn where there are lakes, rivers, ponds and ditches in your driving area. Stay away
from them.
X Never ride on frozen water. You could get hurt or you could even die. All ice can be dan-
X Ride your ATV only where you know it is safe to drive and where you have permission to
drive. Be careful of the things around you.
X Always be a polite driver. (Don’t drive through the flower garden or over the little trees
you planted!)
X Always do your best to help take care of nature.