Active Descent Control (ADC) System
The ADC system (if equipped) allows engine braking to all four wheels
when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. If your ATV is equipped
with Active Descent Control, always engage AWD before ascending or
descending a hill.
Engaging Active Descent Control
The ADC system will automatically engage when all four of the follow-
ing conditions occur:
• The AWD switch must be in the AWD position
• Vehicle speed must be 15 mph (24 km/h) or less
• The throttle must be closed (throttle lever released)
• The transmission must be in gear (high, low or reverse)
Disengaging Active Descent Control
The ADC system will automatically disengage if at least one of the fol-
lowing conditions occur:
• The AWD switch is moved to the 2X4 position
• Vehicle speed exceeds 15 mph (24 km/h)
• The throttle is open (throttle is applied)
• The transmission is shifted to neutral or park