Riding Rules
Now you’re ready to learn about driving your Polaris snowmobile.
There are some things you can do and there are some things you must
never do. Rules are very important when you’re driving a snowmobile.
Adults have riding rules, too. The rules help keep us safe when we
You must be at least six (6) years old before you can ride this
snowmobile. The adult with you is your teacher. Always pay attention
to what your t eacher says so you can learn how to always drive safely.
Let’s learn how to ride!
" Your snowmobile is made for one person. Never carry a passenger.
A passenger will make the snowmobile harder to drive. You may
lose control and hurt yourself and your passenger.
" Never pull anything behind your snowmobile.
" Make sure you know where you’re going to drive when your snow-
mobile is started. Make sure the area is safe all around your snow-
" Never ride alone. An adult should always be watching you in case
you need help. Always drive within the sight of an adult.
" Never ride on public trails.
" When you’re a beginner, always stay on level ground.
" Don’t ride your snowmobile on roads or over railroad tracks. Your
snowmobile makes noise that will keep you from hearing cars,
trucks or trains that may be coming towards you.
" Fences and snowmobiles don’t mix. Make sure you know where all
the fences are before you ride. If you drive into a fence, you could
get hurt.
" Don’t ride at night. The headlight on your snowmobile is there only
so others can see you driving during the day.
Always follow the safe riding rules found on the next
pages. You or others around you could be seriously
hurt or killed if you don’t follow the safe riding rules.