Operation Warnings
Driving on Ice
It is dangerous to operate on ice or under slippery conditions. If ice or
slippery conditions are unavoidable, use extreme caution and operate at
speeds no faster than a walk. Never attempt an abrupt change of
direction on a slippery surface. The chance of “ spin-out” increases
under these conditions. Being able to turn a snowmobile depends
primarily on the skis being in snow. On hard surfaces, such as ice, the
ability to turn is reduced and the machine will not turn very well. In
this situation it may be best to dismount and move either the front or
rear of the machine to point it in the proper direction.
Teach your child to respect the unknown. Children must be taught that
they are not to venture out on their own in unapproved territory. They
must learn that they must never ride a snowmobile on a frozen body of
water. You and the driver of the machine should know and understand
that severe injury or death can result if the snowmobile and its
occupant break through the ice.
Driving in Hilly Terrain
T raveling on hilly terrain is not recommended. It takes some
maneuvering of body weight that a child may not be capable of,
which will leave the child at risk. If traveling on hilly terrain is
unavoidable, teach your child to exercise extreme caution as well
as the proper operating procedure as outlined below.
Driving Uphill
Riding uphill requires extreme caution and should be attempted only
by experienced operators. The operator should assume a standing
position with body weight kept low and forward, accelerating before
the start of the climb and then releasing throttle pressure enough to
prevent track slippage.
When reaching the crest of the hill, the operator must slow down and
be prepared to react to obstacles, sharp drops, or other people or
vehicles which may be on the other side of the hill.