Heart rate limits: On the left, you can see your lower heart rate limit and on the right your upper
heart rate limit. The heart rate symbol moves left or right according to your heart rate. If the
heart symbol is not visible, it means your heart rate is either below the fl ashing lower heart rate
limit or above the fl ashing upper heart rate limit. In this case an alarm goes on, provided the
sounds are turned on. If there is no heart rate reading, the limits are not displayed. For further
information, see page 40.
Time you have exercised in target zone, i.e., within the heart rate limits.
Heart rate
Average heart rate and average heart rate rise or drop indicator during last minute.
Current rate of kilocalories burned (kcal/h) alternates with your cycling intensity (kcal/km or
kcal/m). If there is no heart rate reading or you have not set your user information, the speed is
displayed instead of calorie information.
Heart rate