Broadband VPN Router User’s Manual
Services are used in defining traffic to be blocked or allowed by the Access Control or Firewall
Rules features. Many common Services are pre-defined, but you can also define your own
services if required.
To view the Services screen, select the Services link on the Security menu.
Figure46: Services Screen
Data - Services Screen
Available Services
Available Services
This lists all defined Services.
Delete Button
Use this to delete the selected Service from the list.
Note that you can only delete Services you have added; the pre-
defined services can not be deleted.
Add New Service
Enter a suitable name for this Service.
Select the correct type for this Service.
Start Port
If the "Type" (above) is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, enter the port
number for this Service. If a port range is required, enter the begin-
ning of the range here, and the end of the range in the "Finish Port"
Finish Port
If the "Type" (above) is TCP, UDP, or TCP/UDP, this field can be
used to enter the end of range of port numbers. This can be left blank
if not required.
If the "Type" (above) is ICMP, enter the ICMP type here. Otherwise,
this field should be left blank.