System Name: to authorize the device system name.
Location: to show the WMC-1600R where it is located.
Refresh time: to set the refreshing time of the device through the web.
NOTE: After configuring the system device, need to press the save button to
save the setting. System Conguration
MAC Address: will show out the MAC address of the Management interface.
IP Address: to allocate an IP address for the Management interface, the default IP is
Subnet Mask: to set the Subnet Mask, the default is”.
Default Gateway: to set the gateway address, the default is “”.
NOTE: After configuring the system device, need to press the save button to
save the setting. SNMP Conguration
Get Community Name: to get the device community name (default = public).
Set Community Name: to set the device community name (default = private).
Trap Community Name: to authorize the device trap community name (default =
Trap Host IP Address: to set the trap host IP address (same as monitoring station IP
Cold Start trap: to set the trap for rebooting the device (default = enable).