Getting the iPronto Up and Running
2 In the IP address text box, enter the IP address you wish to use.
3 In the Subnet mask text box, enter your Subnet mask.
4 In the Default gateway text box, enter your Default gateway.
5 In the Local domain name text box, enter your Local domain name.
6 In the DNS1 and DNS2 text boxes, enter the DNS servers you wish to use.
When, in addition, you use a proxy server in your home network or at the Internet Service Provider, you have to adjust
the Proxy settings.
1 Select the Use HTTP Proxy checkbox.
The Proxy Address and Proxy Port text boxes and the Use Password Authentication section are activated.
2 In the Proxy Address text box, enter the IP address of the Proxy server.
3 In the Proxy Port text box, enter the Proxy port.
4 If your Proxy uses password authentication, select the Use Password Authentication checkbox.
The Username and Password text boxes are activated.
1 In the Username text box, enter your username.
2 In the Password text box, enter your password.
iPronto.qxd 01-08-2002 08:44 Pagina 25