
Problem Possible cause Solution
Charging time of parent Parent unit switched on during Switch off parent unit (B-6).
unit batteries exceeds charging.
16 hours.
High pitched noise. Units are too close to each Move parent unit away from baby
other. unit (at least 1 meter / 3 feet).
Volume on parent unit Decrease volume (B-10) on
set too high. parent unit.
No sound/ Volume on parent unit is Increase volume on parent unit
baby’s crying cannot set too low or switched off. (B-10).
be heard.
Microphone sensitivity level Increase microphone sensitivity
set too low on parent unit. level in parent unit menu.
Units are out of range Move parent unit closer to
baby unit.
Parent unit reacts too Ambient sounds trigger Move baby unit closer to baby
fast to other ambient transmission. (keep minimal distance of 1 meter
sounds. / 3 feet).
Microphone sensitivity level Decrease microphone sensitivity
set too high. level in parent unit menu.
Battery check light ( ) Batteries are low or empty. Replace / recharge batteries
lights up on the (A-12, B-12).
display (A-11, B8).
Parent unit reacts slowly/ Microphone sensitivity is set too Increase microphone sensitivity
late to baby's crying. low. level in parent unit menu and/or
move baby unit closer to baby
(keep minimal distance of 1 meter/
3 feet).