Removing the Microlux from your ear
1 Slowly pull at both pull tabs to remove the Microlux from the
auditory canal.
2 Switch off the Microlux and check if it is off by holding it in the
closed palm of your hand.
The Microlux does not whistle if it has been switched off.
Adjusting the sound
The hearing capsule has a high sound quality and many possibilities for
adjusting the amplication. The sound is adjusted by your audiologist using
a computer program.
You cannot adjust the sound of the Microlux yourself. Consult your
audiologist if you have complaints about the sound.
Earwax protects your ears from detrimental effects from outside,
including dirt and infections. When there is something (e.g. a hearing aid)
in your ear, more wax is produced than normally as a reaction to the
foreign body. This is not a problem with the Philips Microlux hearing
enhancer, because it takes some earwax with it every time you remove it
from your ear. This slows down the buildup of an earwax plug.
An earwax plug can lead to squeaking in your Microlux hearing
enhancer or you may suddenly hear less well, even though there is
still enough energy in the battery. Have your ears examined by your
audiologist to determine if you have an earwax plug. If so, have it
removed by a medical professional.
Do not try to clean your ears yourself with, for example cotton swabs.
If you have two Microlux hearing capsules, always clean them one at a
time to prevent switching them.