. Image Optimizatio
Context Sensitive menu
The Context Sensitive menu is Enabled by
default. If Enable Context Menu has been
checked in the Options>Preferences pane, then
the menu will be visible.
The Context Menu has four entries:
v SmartControl Lite - When selected the
About Screen is displayed.
v Select Preset - Provides a hierarchical
menu of saved presets for immediate use.
A check mark shows the currently selected
preset. Factory Preset can also be called
from the drop down menu.
v Tune Display - Opens the SmartControl
Lite control panel.
v SmartImage Lite - Check current settings,
Standard, Internet, Game.
Task Tray Menu Enabled
The task tray menu can be displayed by right-
clicking on the SmartControl Lite icon from the
task tray. Left Click will launch the application.
The task tray has five entries:
v Help - Access to User Manual file: Open
User Manual file using the default browser
v Technical Support - displays the tech
support page.
v Check for Update - takes the user to PDI
Landing and checks the user’s version
against the most current available.
v About - Displays detailed reference
information: product version, release
information, and product name.
v Exit - Close SmartControl Lite.
To run SmartControl Lite again either select
SmartControl Lite from Program menu, double-
click the desktop PC icon or restart the system.
Task Tray Menu Disabled
When the Task Tray is disabled in the preference
folder, only the EXIT selection is available.
To completely remove SmartControl Lite
from the task tray, disable Run at Startup in
All the illustrations in this section are for
reference only. SmartControl software version
might be changed without notification. Please
always check official Portrait website
to download the latest version of SmartControl