Other Flash Units
1 Attach the flash unit to the hot shoe.
2 Turn on the camera, turn the mode dial to Av, TAv, or M, and set
the aperture.
3 Set the ISO sensitivity to a value other than [Auto] or [AUTO-HI].
4 Turn on the external flash, set it to Auto, and set the aperture
and ISO sensitivity to the same values on the camera.
Caution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Useonlyflashunitswithonesignalterminal,whichmustbeanX-contactwithapositivevoltageof
no more than 20 V.
• AflashsignalisoutputtotheX-contactofthehotshoeregardlessoftheflashsetting.Stopoperation
of the flash unit from the flash unit itself.
• ExposuremaynotbeappropriateevenwhentheapertureandISOsensitivityoftheexternalflashare
the same as those of the camera. If so, change the aperture and ISO sensitivity of the flash.
• Useanexternalflashwithalightinganglethatcoverstheangleofviewoftheshootinglens.