Taking Pictures
You can choose from six recorded pixels settings for still pictures.
The larger the number of recorded pixels, the clearer the details will
appear when you print your picture. As the quality of the printed picture
also depends on the image quality, exposure control, resolution of the
printer, and other factors, you do not need to select more than the
required number of recorded pixels. The more pixels there are, the larger
the picture and the bigger the file size.
Refer to the following table for the appropriate settings according to
expected usage.
The default setting is m.
• The camera does not emit the focus assist light under the following
-In C (Movie), S (Fireworks) modes.
- When the focus mode is set to 3 (Pan Focus), s (Infinity) or z
(Manual Focus).
• The default setting in e (Pet) mode is P (Off).
Selecting the Number of Recorded Pixels
Recorded Pixels Expected Usage
m 4608×3456
For printing high quality photos or A4-size pictures or
larger, or editing images on a computer.
n 3456×3456
o 4608×2592
6 3072×2304
For making postcard-size prints.
h 1920×1080
For a natural feeling of expansiveness with the same
aspect ratio as HDTV.
m 640× 480
For posting on a website or attaching to e-mail.
If you select o or h, the aspect
ratio of the image is 16:9 and the monitor
display for recording and playback is as
shown on the right.