26 C2928M (7/05)
This will expand the picture until the second edges (refer to
) touch the border and let the other edges of the picture fall
outside the wall and get cropped. Justification adjustments can be employed to better center the image.
This will expand the picture until the first edges (top-bottom or left-right) touch the border of the wall, then fill in the other
sides with a solid color.
Widescreen (16 x 9):
This will force the image into an aspect ratio of 16 x 9 (1.77), the same as that of the PMCD750 display. This is
recommended for sources that have a native 16 x 9 aspect ratio. Similar to Fill All, this can cause image distortion, depending on the source
image’s native aspect ratio.
Normal (4 x 3):
This will force a 4 x 3 (1.33) aspect ratio, the ratio of standard television. This is recommended for sources that have a native
4 x 3 aspect ratio. Similar to Fill All, this can cause image distortion, depending on the source image’s native aspect ratio.
One to One:
This will display the image with no change to its original aspect ratio.
To set the aspect ratio, refer to Figure 17 and do the following:
1. Press the MENU button on the remote.
2. Scroll down to Aspect Ratio & Wall, and then press + on the remote control.
3. Scroll to Scale Mode, and then press + on the remote control.
4. Scroll down to the desired aspect ratio setting.
a. Press + on the remote to see the preview effect with the menu still open.
b. Press ENTER.
5. If Letterbox, Widescreen, or One to One was selected, do the following:
a. Scroll down to Border Color.
b. Repeatedly press ENTER to choose the desired color. This color will be displayed in the blank areas around the image.
6. Press the MENU button on the remote to close the menu.
Figure 17.
Scaling and Cropping
Main Menu
Size & Position
Advanced Options
Program Information
Aspect Ratio & Wall
Aspect Ratio & Wall
Scale Mode
Border Color
Fill All
0 %
Fill All
One to One
Widescreen (16x9)
Normal Video (4x3)