
C4. margin_adj -99 to 99 in 1/192 inch. 0 is the default for all printers.
Adjusts where data prints horizontally on the supply. Increase
the margin position to move print to the right, decrease to
move print to the left. Margin and print position are format
adjustments. They will not affect the supply position,
dispense position, or backfeed distance.
C5. speed_adj Print speed in inches per second (IPS). Options:
0 Default value
C6. ph_width Width of the printhead in dots. Use 0 for these printers.
,C,0,-20,-10,0,0 p }
Uses the default contrast, moves print 0.1 inch closer to the
bottom of the supply (20/192 inches) and .05 inch to the left on the
supply (10/192 inches), prints at 1.8 inches per second, and uses
the default printhead width.
Clearing Packets from Memory
You may want to remove packets from the printer to increase
memory storage capacity or if the formats/fonts are no longer
needed. In some cases, turning the printer off may clear the
packets from memory. If not, send a format clear packet.
{header,packet#,action,device p }
1. header Identifies the packet. Options:
A Check Digit Scheme
F Format
G Graphic
W Font
2. packet# Identification number of the packet to clear (1-999) or font
number (0-9999). 0 is for all fonts.
3. action Enter C to clear the packet.
4. device Storage device. Options:
N Nonvolatile RAM
R Volatile RAM
{F,1,C,R p }
Clears Format #1 from volatile RAM.