Extra batteries
and spare parts
In order to increase your AR.Drone playing time, you can purchase spare •
batteries from our website www.parrot.com. You can also use our website to
order spare parts if needed.
We a lso provide online video tutorials showing you how to replace parts. •
However, if you don’t feel confident enough to replace any parts yourself, you
can send us your AR.Drone using the returns procedure. See our website for
more information.
In o rder t o limit our paper consumption, and a s part of our
environmentally friendly and responsible approach, Parrot prefers to
put user documents online rather than print them out.
This simplified guide to the AR.Drone is therefore limited to providing you with
the main instructions that will make i t easy for you to use the device. More
information can be found on the Support and Downloads section of our website,
www.parrot.com: the full manual, FAQs, tutorials, and more.
About this
Quick start guide
Warning -
Packaging and
Do not discard neither the packaging ! Without it, you will not be able to play •
the included games.
To play the multi-player game AR.Flying Ace, the stickers provided in the pack-•
aging must be stuck on the internal surface at the locations indicated by the
small marks.