LOOP Command
The block structure of the code lends itself to performing repetitive operations, using the
LOOP command. The command can be used to call a particular labelled block of code for
either a specified number of times or continuously.
An example using the LOOP command is given below, again the START and MAIN code
blocks have been combined within the START block:
1START: ; start label definition
1DECLARE(LOAD) ; declare label
1LIMITS(3,0,0) ; disable limits
1PROFILE3(100,50,4000,35) ; define move parameters
1MI ; set mode to incremental
1LOOP(LOAD,6) ; repeat the load unload 6 times
1END ; end of label definition
1LOAD: ; define program label load
1USE(3) ; use motion profile 3
1O(XX0) ; ensure o/p 3 is off
1T1 ; wait for 1 sec delay
1G ; execute move
1O(XX1) ; turn on o/p 3
1T1 ; wait for 1 sec delay
1END ; end of label definition