A. Command Line Interface
A-16 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
DHCP Relay Agent Commands
Table A-11. DHCP Relay Agent Commands
dhcp relay {enable | disable}
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: Config
Enables or disables the DHCP relay agent. The DHCP relay agent will maintain up to
256 DHCP clients.
Example: dhcp relay enable
enable – Enables the DHCP relay.
disable – Disables the DHCP relay. This is the default setting.
dhcp relay address ip-address
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: Config
Specifies the DHCP server to forward DHCP requests to.
Example: dhcp relay address
dhcp relay max [number]
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: Config
Specifies the maximum number of DHCP clients.
Example: dhcp relay max 133
number – 1–256. The default is 256. If a number is not specified, the number of clients is
reset to the default setting.