April 1998
IP Filtering Configuration
This appendix provides worksheets to assist you in creating filters for your
Hotwire DSLAM network. Use the worksheets to record filter parameters such as
IP filter types and rule types for the MCC card and DSL cards. Photocopy the
worksheets as needed. After the worksheets are completed, define the filters and
rule types via the Hotwire DSLAM user interface.
The worksheets are based on the network model and IP filtering theory described
in this guide. For an explanation of the network model and IP filtering theory,
review the chapters in this guide. For specific information about the user interface
screens and fields, see the
Hotwire DSLAM for 8540 and 8546 DSL Cards User’s
Summarizing How to Define a Filter
To define a filter for a specific interface to indicate whether a packet can be
forwarded or discarded on that interface:
H Go to the appropriate IP Filter Configuration screen to define a filter and set
up one or more rule types (network address rule type, host address rule type,
and/or socket address rule type) for that filter.
H Go to the appropriate IP Network screen to bind the filter (i.e., specify the
filter type (input filter or output filter) by specifying the name of the filter in the
appropriate field and binding it to a specific interface).
If your system is set up for dynamic IP addressing and you have enabled the
dynamic access control feature (on the DHCP Relay Servers screen), you do
not need to define filters because this is done automatically. Make sure,
however, that the predefined filters are bound to their appropriate interfaces.