Initial Startup and Configuration
September 1998
3. Position the cursor in the System Contact field. Enter the name and contact
information for the person responsible for the unit.
The maximum length of System Contact is 128 characters.
4. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
5. Select S
ave and press Enter.
Choosing a Configuration Mode
You can make configuration changes either through a VT100 and the unit’s
Configuration menus or by manually changing switches on the board. The unit
comes defaulted to allow settings to be made through the Configuration menus.
Configuring the Unit Using the Configuration Menus
Use the Configuration menu to select, display, or change configuration option
Configuration Options
The 7986 Standalone Termination Unit is pre-configured as an NTU. If you
are using this unit as an NTU, the following configuration options may not
need to be performed.
The Model 7986 Standalone Termination Unit is shipped with factory settings in
the Default Factory configuration area. You can find default information by:
H Referring to
Appendix A,
Configuration Option Tables
H Accessing the Configuration branch of the Model 7986 Standalone
Termination Unit menu.
The Model 7986 Standalone Termination Unit has two sets of configuration option
settings. The Current Configuration matches the Default Factory Configuration
until modified and saved by the user.
Configuration Option Area
Configuration Option Set
Current Configuration The Model 7986 Standalone Termination Unit’s active
set of configuration options.
Default Factory Configuration A read-only configuration area containing the factory
default configuration options.
If the factory default settings do not support your network’s configuration, you can
customize the configuration options for your application.