July 2000
Table 8-1. Alarm Conditions (2 of 4)
Alarm Condition What To DoWhat It Indicates
LMI Down,
frame relay link
The Local Management
Interface is down for the
specified frame relay link.
For the network interface:
H If LMI was never up, verify
that the LMI Protocol setting
reflects the LMI type being
H If LMI was never up:
– Verify that the proper time
slots have been configured.
– Verify that the LMI Protocol
setting reflects the LMI type
being used.
H Verify that Frame Relay
Performance Statistics show
LMI frames being transmitted.
If all of the above have been
verified and the physical link is
not in Alarm, contact your
network provider.
LMI Down,
frame relay link
The Local Management
Interface is down for the
specified frame relay link.
For user data port:
H Check that the DTE cable is
securely attached at both
H Verify that Transmit Clock
Source and Invert Transmit
Clock options are properly
H Verify that Frame Relay
Performance Statistics show
LMI frames being received. If
no frames are being received:
– Check the attached device.
– Verify that the LMI Protocol
setting reflects the LMI type
being used.
LOS at Network
1 A Loss of Signal (LOS)
condition is detected on the
network interface. Clears
when a signal is detected.
H Network cable problem.
H No signal is being
transmitted at the far-end
FrameSaver unit.
H Check that the network cable
is securely attached at both
H Check far-end FrameSaver
unit status.
frame relay link
is one of the following:
– Net1-FR1. The frame relay link specified for the network port, Network 1.
– Port-1. The frame relay link associated with the user data port.