Monitoring the DSU
March 1997
Test Status Messages
The Test Status Messages in the following table appear in the rightmost column
of the System and Test Status screen.
Table 4-4. Test Status Messages
Test Status Message
No Test Active Status message, indicating no local, remote, or network test in
CSU Loopback Active A CSU Loopback toward the network is currently active.
Network-init. CSU LB
A CSU Loopback initiated by the network is currently active.
DSU Loopback Active A DSU Loopback toward the network is currently active.
Network-init. DSU LB
A DSU Loopback initiated by the network is currently active.
H If the network service is 56 kbps, the network loopback is
non-latching. A non-latching loopback ends when the
network activation codes stop.
H If the network service is 64 kbps CC, the network loopback
is latching. This condition can only occur when the Network
Interface option Network-initiated DSU Loopback (64K CC)
is enabled. Refer to Network Interface Options, Table A-2.
V.54-initiated DSU LB
A DSU loopback is active that was initiated by the detection of
a V.54 sequence originated by the remote unit. This condition
can only occur when V.54 Initiated DSU Loopback is enabled.
Refer to Network Interface Options, Table A-2.
Local Loopback Active A local loopback toward the DTE is currently active.
Sending 511 on Port A 511 test pattern is being sent over the DTE port.
Monitoring 511 on Port DSU is monitoring a 511 test pattern over the DTE port.
Sending 511 on
A 511 test pattern is being sent over the network interface.
Monitoring 511 on
DSU is monitoring a 511 test pattern on the network interface.
Lamp Test Active The Lamp Test is active, causing the LEDs on the front panel to