4-53160-A2-GB21-50 January 1997
Performance Reports
When the network interface is configured for ESF
operation, network performance is continuously
monitored and maintained in two sets of aggregate
registers: Carrier Network Interface Registers (Telco) and
User Network Interface Registers (User). The User
registers contain an extra status register (Status Event).
Registers shown on the front panel LCD are listed in
Table 4-3. These registers are status registers that collect
performance data for the previous 24-hour period.
Performance data is updated in 15-minute intervals. After
15 minutes, the current interval is rolled over into a set of
accumulator registers that represent the previous 96
15-minute intervals for the register. An interval total of
how many of the 96 registers contain valid data is also
kept, as well as a 24-hour total for each accumulator
For 2-port and 4-port DSU/CSUs, port performance is
continuously monitored and maintained in memory
registers when the port is configured to use EDL. The
DSU/CSU maintains two sets of port registers for each
synchronous data port: far-end port registers and near-end
port registers. These registers are status registers that
collect performance data for the previous 8-hour period.
Port data is updated in 15-minute intervals. After
15 minutes, the current interval is rolled over into a set of
accumulator registers that represent the previous 32
15-minute intervals for the register. An interval total of
how many of the 32 registers contain valid data is also
kept, as well as a 8-hour total for each accumulator
The following procedure is an
example only. Screen displays
may vary depending on the
model and configuration of the
DSU/CSU. The procedures for
displaying Telco and port registers
are similar to this example.
To display User Network Interface (User) performance,
1. From the top-level menu screen, select Stat.
2. From the Status screen, select Perf.
DevHS STest Perf
3. Select User registers.
Telco User Prt1
4. From the User Registers screen, press F1 to view
current registers (go to Step 5), press F2 to view
24-Hour Totals (go to Step 6), or press F3 to view
15-Minute Interval Registers (go to Step 7).
User Registers:
Cur 24Tot Intvl
5. When you press F1 from the User Registers
screen, the User registers for the current
15-minute interval appear.
User Current:
Event =