
Using Your Palm Wi-Fi Card 5
Using Your Palm
Card with the Treo
700w Smartphone CHAPTER 1
1. Wake up your smartphone’s screen, and then insert the Wi-Fi card
into the expansion card slot.
2. Tap Wi-Fi in the title bar.
3. Select the Settings link.
4. Select Network Cards .
5. Select Add New.
6. On the General tab, set the following:
Network name: Specifies the SSID
provided by the system administrator.
Connects to: Specifies whether this
connection connects to the Internet or
to Work. You may need to select Work to access a corporate
This is a device-to-device (ad-hoc) connection: Indicates
whether you’re connecting to another device or to an access
point (network).
7. Select the Network Key tab, and then set the following:
Authentication: Sets the method
used to identify devices that connect
to the network.
Open: Indicates the network
uses open authentication.
Shared: Indicates the network
uses shared authentication.
WPA: Indicates the network is a
WPA network that uses 802.1x