4 Select one of the following:
Location ON: Enables the network to
determine your longitude and latitude
position at any time in order to provide
location-specific services.
Emergency Only: Restricts your
location information to emergency
services only.
5 Select OK.
When Location ON is selected, the
Location icon appears. When
Emergency Only is selected, a red slash
appears over the Location icon.
Enabling TTY
TTY (also known as a TDD or Text
Telephone) is a telecommunications device
that enables you to communicate by
telephone if you are deaf, are hard of
hearing, or have speech or language
Your device is compatible with select TTY
devices. You can connect a TTY/TDD
machine to your device through the
headset jack while this mode is enabled.
Please check with the manufacturer of your
TTY device for connectivity information and
to ensure that the TTY device supports
digital wireless transmission.
1 Press Phone .
2 Press Menu .
3 Select Options and then select Phone
4 Select the TTY/TDD pick list and select
one of the following settings:
Default Mode: Sends and receives text.
VCO Mode: Sends voice and receives
text. This is also known as Voice Carry
Over Mode.
HCO Mode: Sends text and receives
voice. This is also known as Hearing
Carry Over Mode.
Off: Sends and receives voice.