SMS :: 71
In list view you can rearrange the messages in any folder using the Sort command.
1. From list view, press Menu .
2. From the View menu, choose Sort by Name or Sort by Date.
In list view you can delete several messages at once from any folder using the Purge
1. From list view, press Menu .
2. From the Message menu, choose Purge (/K).
3. Choose the Purge pick list, then select an option.
4. Choose OK.
Chatting with SMS
When you exchange more than one text message with a single contact, your
messages are grouped into a chat session. The upper part of the Chat view displays
all messages you’ve exchanged with this contact, and the lower part provides a text
entry area. You can carry on multiple chats at the same time and easily switch
between them, using the pick list at the top of the screen.
Text messages can be sent
and received even while
you are on a phone call.
This is easiest when using
the hands-free headset or
To find a chat you had with
someone, open your SMS
Inbox and select a chat
Pale gray text indicates
that a message is pending
or enroute.