70 2B Move Around on Your Phone
Download a Free Application
1. Open App Catalog .
2. Browse to the app you want (see “Browse
Applications in App Catalog” on page 68).
3. Tap the app name, and then tap Download for free.
4. If the app uses Location Services, a notification is
displayed (see “Location Services” on page 214).
5. After you download an app, tap Tap to launch to
open it. (The app also now appears as an icon in
Launcher, so you can open it from the Launcher
as well.)
Buy an Application
1. Open App Catalog .
2. Browse to the app you want (see “Browse
Applications in App Catalog” on page 68).
3. Tap the app name, and then tap Download for
4. If the app uses Location Services, a notification is
displayed (see “Location Services” on page 214).
5. Do one of the following:
Ⅲ If you have set up a billing account: If prompted,
enter your Palm profile password to authorize the
purchase, and tap
Before You Begin: Before you download an app, make sure
you have enough storage space on your
phone to fit the app. Open
Device Info
and look at the Available field under
Did You Know? After you download an application, you can
Reviews on the app details screen to see
reviews from others. Or, on the Reviews
screen, tap
Review to write a review.
Before You Begin: Before you purchase and download an
app, make sure you have enough
storage space on your phone to fit the
app. Open
Device Info and look at the
Available field under Phone.
Note: If you enter an incorrect Palm profile password three
times, a message appears that explains how you can
contact Palm support for help.