If the air is at a relative humidity of 40%, then the dew-point
temperature is only 43°F. The walls and ceilings would therefore have
droplets to form.
How to achieve the correct temperature and air humidity:
Tips for active heating and ventilation:
● Checkthedew-point!Surfacesofwallsshouldnotfallbelowa
temperature of 59°F.
● Avoidshuttingofftheheatcompletelywhenleavingthehousefor
extended periods of time.
● Ventilateinallweatherconditions,evenifit’sraining.
● Openthewindowsforashorttimetoairtheroom.Apartially
opened window does not have the desired effect, wastes heating
energy and can even promote the formation of mold.
● Iftheroomairistoodry,particularlyinthewinter,thenelectrical
will tend to decrease the humidity further.
● Whenairingaroom,afewminutesshouldbesufcient.Check
the value indicated on your Mold Alert thermo-hygrometer.
1. Select°F/°Candplacetheaudioalarmswitchonthebackofthe
unit in “on” mode.
2. Slideofffrontcompartmentandinstall2batteries1.5VAA.Once
these are in place, the frowning face on the display will light up
3. Replacebatterycompartmentcover.
4. Removetheprotectionlmonthedisplay.
5. The unit is now ready to use.