Installation & Programming Manual FX & VFX “E” Series Inverte r/Charge r Sy ste m Copyright 2003 OutBack Power Systems, Inc.
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Ave NE, Arlington WA 98223 USA
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HOW TO FIND THE STACKING MENU-ADV/PASSWORD/FX/PG2/PG3/STACK (Read the MATE portion of this manual for more info)
***For 3-phase stacking a jumper must be set to the 3-ph position in the HUB. See HUB manual for further information.
Stack phase establishes which FX is the master and which FX’s follow the master’s commands. Select the stack phase that suits your
system whether it’s a parallel 230 vac, or 3-phase 230/400 vac system.
1-2 PH MASTER is used for stand alone FX units OR as the MASTER of a single phase system.
Set the stack phase of the FX you
want as the master to “1-2 PH Master” (default) and make sure it is in port 1 of the HUB. The “1-2PH MASTER” FX is always
considered to be the L1 phase where the hot AC lines are colored black.
Not recommended for “EXPORT” FX’s.
Set the stack phase of the FX you want as the slave to “OB Slave L1” and make sure it is in port 2 or higher of the HUB. OB Slave L1
is used for FX’s that run in parallel with the master. The “OB SLAVE L1” FX is considered L1 phase where the hot AC lines are colored
Not recommended for “EXPORT” FX’s.
Set the stack phase of the FX you want as the master to “3PH Master” and make sure it is in port 1 of the HUB. 3-phase systems have
a maximum of 3 inverters (one master and two slaves). Each FX acts independently and cannot help out other phases. The HUB has
a jumper on it that needs to be changed for 3-phase stacking. The “3PH MASTER” FX is considered phase A where the hot AC lines
are colored black.
Set the stack phase of the two FX’s you want as the slaves to “3PH SLAVE” and make sure they are in ports 2 and 3 of the HUB.
There are no selections within the MATE to differentiate between phase B or phase C. When you set the jumper in the HUB for 3-
phase, the HUB tells each slave which phase they are. The“3PH SLAVE” on HUB port 2 is considered phase B where the hot AC lines
are colored red. The “3PH SLAVE” on HUB port 3 is considered phase C where the hot AC lines are colored blue.
Stack Phase
Mate Label What it means
0 1-2 PH Master I am the master!!! Put me in port 1 of the hub
1 Classic Slave Not recommended for “EXPORT” FX’s.
2 OB Slave L1 In parallel with the master.
3 OB Slave L2 Not recommended for “EXPORT” FX’s.
4 3PH Master I am the master in a 3 phase system!! Put me in port 1 of the HUB and switch the jumper in the HUB.
5 3PH Slave 1st slave (port 2 of hub) 120 degrees out of phase of master. 2nd slave (port 3 of hub) 120 degrees
out of phase of first slave.
Read “power save level slave adjust only” first!
In OutBack Stacking, slave FX’s can go to sleep (turn off their outputs) when the AC loads are low. Sometimes, half of the FX’s need
to be running because half of your appliances are on. How does the master FX know how many slave FX’s and which ones to turn on
for the proper load? All the slave FX’s get assigned a rank from 1 to 7. If the master sees more than 5 amps AC of load, it asks for
help from the 1st ranking slave. At this time, because there are two FX’s on, the load for each FX will be about 2.5 amps AC. The two
FX’s are sharing the load equally. If the load increases and reaches 5 amps AC to the master (10 amps AC total), the master will ask
for help from the 2
ranking slave. The 2
slave turns on and now 3 FX’s are sharing the load (about 3.5 amps AC each and about 10
amps AC total). By ranking the slave FX’s, the master can control the flow of the system and keep idle power (the current draw of the
FX) to a minimum. The way to rank the slaves is called “power save level slave adjust only”. The number you program for each FX is
the slave rank and the master will know which FX to turn on next.
This setting is a manual selection of what slave FX’s you want on. From the factory the setting is zero and no slaves will be on until the
master needs help. If you set this number to 1, the 1
ranking slave (power save level slave adjust only – 1) will be on regardless of the
loads on the system. If you set this number to 2, the 1
and 2
ranking slave (power save level slave adjust only - 2) will be on. I think
you get the picture. Up to rank 7 can be selected. Remember that if you set this number, your idle power can’t go as low as possible.
“Power save level master adjust only” is useful when you’re working out in the shop and you want everyone helping out before the
master asks for them. It is also used to test the “Power Save Level Slave Adjust Only” programming when first setting up the system to
make sure that all the FX’s are stacked properly.