SWOP® Application Data Sheet ● Page 3
ORIS Digital Proofing System™ for Canon
W6400/W8400 printers, using ORIS PearlPROOF™
Publication paper and Canon 6-color ink
CGS Publishing Technologies International LLC
310 Clifton Avenue ● Minneapolis, MN 55403
Tel +1 (612) 870 0061 ● Fax +1 (612) 870 0063
info@cgsusa.com ● www.cgsusa.com
VII. Final Proof Characteristics
All certified proofs must display the ORIS Digital Proof Control Strip. The control strip must be
checked for color quality using the following expected color and image characteristics.
Color Density TVI Print Contrast Color
Dot Gain @ 50% @ 75% L C h(ab)
( ± 0.05 ) ( ± 3% ) ( ± 5% ) ( Delta E* < 2.5 )
Cyan 1.30 20.0% 32.0% 54.81 55.39 228.50
Magenta 1.41 20.0% 36.0% 46.65 68.76 357.83
Yellow 1.01 18.0% 26.0% 84.89 84.49 94.13
Black 1.65 22.0% 39.0% 17.54 2.82 65.05
Red NA NA NA 46.11 76.12 34.05
Green NA NA NA 51.07 66.38 155.73
Blue NA NA NA 24.89 46.87 293.47
Gray 25 NA NA NA 71.42 -1.01 3.95
Gray 50 NA NA NA 52.59 -1.02 2.23
Gray 75 NA NA NA 38.33 -2.11 2.52
Paper White Density Measurements (Tolerance ± 0.02)
Dc Dm Dy Dk
0.12 0.11 0.13 0.16
Paper White CIE LCh(ab) Measurements (Delta E* < 2.5)
L C h(ab)
89.26 5.44 87.82
* Delta E represent values within material color difference measured at target density
The above CIE LCh(ab) measurements were made using a calibrated GretagMacbeth Spectrolino with
GretagMacbeth KeyWizard software. All CIELCh values are in accordance with CGATS.5 Standard on Colorimetric
The TVI values were calculated using the Murray-Davies equation, Print Contrast as absolute. All calculations are in
accordance with the CGATS.4 Standard for densitometry.
The above density measurements were made using a calibrated GretagMacbeth Spectrolino with GretagMacbeth
KeyWizard software with absolute Status-T response, no filter, D50 illuminant and a 2° observer and black backing.
All density values are in accordance with CGATS. 4 Standard for densitometry.
VIII. Sample Proofs
CGS Publishing Technologies International has submitted two sample proofs that confirm
to this application data sheet specification. These have been submitted to the SWOP
certification committee for their analysis. Copies of this document are on file with SWOP
Inc., or can be downloaded via CGS’ web site: www.cgsusa.com.