Concrete and Asphalt
Removing Oil and Dirt
Absorbent Powder effectively and safely cleans
concrete and asphalt without solvents. Greaselock
application is a natural mineral that absorbs and captures
oil and dirt so it can be safely discarded or rinsed away.
quipment and Material Required:
• Orbiter
Multi-Floor Machine
• Black Drive Pad Holder
• Greaselock
Absorbent Powder
• Brown Strip Pad
• Orange Scrub Brush
o clean oil, dirt, mold and mildew from smooth concrete,
use the Greaselock
Absorbent Powder and the brown strip
pad. To clean rough or uneven concrete or asphalt, use
Absorbent Powder and
the orange scrub
1. For fresh stains or spills that have not dried, use the
Absorbent Powder as a dry powder. For
dry stains, add a little water during mixing or
scrubbing stage.
2. Liberally apply Greaselock
Absorbent Powder to spill
or area to clean, completely covering it. Allow five to
ten minutes to absorb for fresh stains, overnight for
dried stains.
3. Use the Orbiter
Multi-Floor Machine and brown strip
pad or orange scrub brush to agitate the powder on
the floor. Mop or hose off floor if necessary.
See Greaselock
Absorbent Powder packaging for
complete instructions.
Note: Oreck recommends removing brushes and pads
when storing the Orbiter
Multi-Floor Machine. Accessories
can become deformed if stored on the machine.
Black Drive Pad Holder
Black plastic with teeth)
• Holds pads and bonnets in place
Bonnets are designed to surface clean
most surfaces. They are washable and
can be reused.
White Terrycloth Bonnet
• This bonnet cleans the traffic lane
and spots in the carpet without wetting the entire carpet.
• Use with Oreck Premist
Soil Release Pre-Spray and
Dry Carpet Cleaner.
• When one side of bonnet is dirty, flip it over and use
the other side.
• When job is complete, clean terrycloth bonnet in
washing machine using cold water or hose off and
allow to air dry.
Lamb’s Wool Bonnet 437054
• Designed to provide the best possible shine on wood,
tile and vinyl floors.
• Use the bonnet for everyday buffing to remove
scuff marks.
• When job is complete, clean lambs wool bonnet in
washing machine using cold water or hose off and
allow to air dry.
To use a bonnet, see
“Attaching Accessories” on page 4
“Removing Accessories” on page 5
Pads are designed to be porous and
open-weave (except the beige pad) so
that when it loosens dirt it can pick it
up. The dir
t goes inside the pad (i.e. of
the floor). All pads can be turned over
and the other side used before cleaning
or disposing. Pads may be hosed of
f in
some instances and re-used.
The pads are color coded depending on how aggressive
they are (except for the beige marble pad): White is the
softest, followed by blue medium aggr
essive, and brown
being the most aggressive.
White Polish Pad 437051
(least aggressive)
• Apply paste wax.
• Clean and polish wood (coated & uncoated),linoleum,
and laminate.
• Cleans all surfaces except stone.
Oreck offers a full line of accessories to give you the tools
you need for the job!
Depending on the unit purchased, some of the accessories
below may be included with your Orbiter
Machine. All of these accessories ar
e available at one of
our over 450 Oreck retail Stores or on our website,
When choosing different pads and brushes for the
, ther
e is no exact science to selecting an
y for a particular floor
. Bonnets ar
e good for
surface cleaning most floor types. Pads are good for
scrubbing and polishing flat surfaces. Brushes work well
for getting into r
ecesses in non-flat sur
faces, like tile, wher
the bristles can get into grout lines. When you choose an
accessory, remember you want one aggressive enough to
do the job but gentle enough not to damage the floor. Use
common sense. For example, do not use a brown strip
pad (aggressive) on a wood floor (soft floor). Start with
what is safe and move to a mor
e aggr
essive accessor
, if