Using Your Vehicle’s Battery Power
To power the SCP-87 from your vehicle’s battery,
you need a DC adapter, such as Cat. No. 270-1560.
• You must use a DC adapter that supplies 3 volts
DC power and delivers at least 300 milliamps. Its
center tip must be set to negative, and its plug
must properly fit the SCP-87’s
jack. The
recommended adapter meets these require-
ments. Using an adapter that does not meet
these requirements could seriously damage the
• Be sure you plug the adapter into the SCP-87
before you plug it into the cigarette-lighter
socket, and that you unplug the adapter from the
cigarette-lighter socket before you unplug it from
the SCP-87, to prevent damage to the SCP-87
or the adapter.
14-1230.fm Page 11 Friday, July 2, 1999 10:26 AM