General Options
Command Name:
Barcode Readability Index
The Readability Index provides a measurement of a specic symbol’s
ease or difculty to be decoded by the LH2.
The Readability Index is specic to the LH2, and should not be
confused with a verication quality measurement.
The Readability Index is a blend of information obtained from the
internal operations of the decoding algorithm pertaining to contrast,
symbology construct, error detection, forward error correction (if
applicable), and other symbology-specic characteristics.
The Readability Index is a score on a scale of 01 (very poor) to
100 (very readable). Due to differences based on motion, skew,
reection, focus, and ambient lighting, the Readability Index on
the same symbol may vary somewhat from read to read. However,
a poor contrast or damaged symbol will score lower than a high
contrast undamaged symbol. The Readability Index can be used as a
quick check on the reliability of label generation or marking systems.
When determining the ideal distance from the reader to the symbol,
and constant ambient light, the Readability Index provides a symbol
quality assurance tool and check point for feedback to an overall
label or marking quality control system.
The Readability Index is enabled by rst reading a CodeXML rule into
the permanent LH2 Memory.
There is No Bar code Readability Index installed.
Programming Code: Serial Command:
The Reader will store the rule and reset, but will not output the
Readability Index until the Readability Index Output Enable code is
read. To remove this rule, scan the Clear All Prex & Sufx code.