
Did you forget to Attach the probe cover,
attach the probe cover? then measure.
The measured result is Did you remove the Remove the thermo-
below 34°C (93.2°F). thermometer before meter from the ear
the measurement after the measurement
was finished? is finished.
The measured result Is the infrared Return to the selling
exceeds 42.2°C (108.0°F). sensor broken? point.
Is the probe Replace the probe
cover broken? cover with a new one.
The temperature of the You cannot measure
Measure the temperature
main unit may be below correctly when the after leaving the unit in
10°C (50°F). temperature of the the room where you are
main unit is in these going to measure so
ranges. that the unit is accus-
tomed to the tempe-
rature of that room
The temperature of the (between 10°C - 40°C
main unit may be above (50°F - 104°F)).
40°C (104°F). If you store the unit
in the room where you
are actually going to
measure, you can
measure quickly.
If the “Er.1” is Wait for the unit to
displayed again, turn off, then turn on
the unit may the unit again.
be faulty.
This occurs when the device is moved from
one space to another and the difference in
temperature is more than 10°C. Wait for at
least five minutes until “AA“ mark is not
displayed anymore.
Might be caused when the probe is grasped for
a long time or the thermometer is used more
than three times in a row.
5.2 Question and answer
How many times can I measure consecutively?
You can measure consecutively up to three times. The main unit will then
be warmed up and may not be able to measure correctly. If you are going to
measure more than three times, wait for ten minutes, then measure again.
The temperature indicated is rather high.
1 The probe cover may be faulty.
2 You may have used the thermometer that has been stored in a cool or
cold place. Measure the temperature after leaving the unit in the room
where you are going to use for more than thirty minutes. If you store the
unit in the room where you are going to measure the temperature, you can
use the thermometer promptly.
GentleTemp 510 English
13413 MC-510-E2_ver.6_MC-510-E2 10/04/2013 17:20 Page 12