Functions of the NT631/NT631C Section 1-2
Standard, shadow, 3-dimension, no display frame, rectangle, circle, poly-
gon, sector
When rectangle, circle, polygon, or sector is selected as the shape, the area
within which pressing of the touch switch is sensed (the touch switch area)
can be set independently of the position where the display graphic is set.
There are four touch-switch labels: fixed display character strings, ON/OFF
switching character strings, numeral displays, and character string displays.
When fixed display character strings or ON/OFF switching character strings
are used, several lines of labels can be displayed.
Numeral Display Numeric values stored in the numeral memory tables are displayed. The dis-
played numerals can be changed by changing the data stored in the numeral
memory tables.
Hexadecimal values can also be displayed.
When decimal values are displayed, the number of digits for the integral part
and fractional part of displayed values can be specified in advance.
String Display Character strings stored in the character string memory tables are displayed.
The displayed character strings can be changed by changing the data stored
in the character string memory tables.
Numeral Input Numeric values can be input at the PT by using touch switches. The input
numeric values can also be stored in a numeral memory table and notification
sent to the host.
Numeral inputs can be enabled and disabled from the host when an interlock
bit has been allocated.
String Input Character strings can be input at the PT by using touch switches, bar code
readers, etc. The input character strings can also be stored in a character
string memory table and notification sent to the host.
String inputs can be enabled and disabled from the host when an interlock bit
has been allocated.
Function executed
switch area
When this
position is
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
0 .
NT631C NT631
Character string setting input field