12 Installation and setup
System requirements
You need the following minimum system requirements to install and run
OmniPage Pro 12:
X A computer with a Pentium or higher processor
X Microsoft Windows 98 (from second edition), Windows Me,
Windows NT 4.0 (with at least Service Pack 6), Windows 2000
or Windows XP
X 64MB of memory (RAM), 128MB recommended
X 90MB of free hard disk space for the application files plus 5MB
working space during installation
X 5MB for Microsoft Installer (MSI) if not present (This is present
as part of the operating system in Windows Me, Windows 2000
and Windows XP)
X SVGA monitor with 256 colors, but preferably 16-bit color
(called High Color in Windows 2000 and Medium Color in XP)
and 800 x 600 pixel resolution
X Windows-compatible pointing device
X CD-ROM drive for installation
X A compatible scanner with its own scanner driver software, if you
plan to scan documents. Please see the Scanner Guide at
ScanSoft’s web site (www.scansoft.com) for a list of supported
Performance and speed will be enhanced if your computer’s processor, memory,
and available disk space exceed minimum requirements.