• Make sure the machine is running at full speed before beginning to juice.
• Do not force food in to the juicer. For most fruits and vegetables, a slow, steady
push down the chute will provide optimal juicing.
• There is no need to cut in to pieces a fruit or vegetable that will fit whole into the
feeder chute. The Mega Mouth Juicer is capable of juicing even large fruits and
vegetables without the need for cutting. If a fruit or vegetable must be cut, cut only
into large pieces that easily fit down the feeder chute.
• When preparing a drink that uses a combination of more than one fruit or veg-
etable, we suggest alternating the various fruits or vegetables when placing them in
the machine. For example: Carrot Apple Juice – place one or two pieces of carrot in
feeder chute, then a piece or two of apple. Continue alternating in this manner.
• When juicing leafy greens we suggest that you twist and roll the greens into a ball
roughly the size of a golf ball. Always place the greens into the juicer first, followed by
crisper vegetables such as carrots, celery, etc.
• When juicing very soft fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, grapes and
peaches, we suggest that you alternate with firmer fruits and vegetables.
• Cleaning the Fruits and Vegetables: Before you begin juicing, thoroughly wash all
fruits and vegetables. A vegetable brush may be used to clean carrots, celery, etc.
Cut away any decaying , diseased, or spoiled portions of all fruits and vegetables.
• Preparing the Fruits and Vegetables: It is not necessary to peel your fruits and veg-
etables as many of the nutrients are container under the surface near the skin. Some
exceptions that should be peeled include cucumbers, pineapples, oranges, grape-
fruit, etc. These should always be peeled.