Network print server
Windows Printing
This section contains instructions on how to set up your
Network print server for a Microsoft Networking environment.
To print from a Windows 95/98, Windows NT Server 4.0 or
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (hereafter, Windows NT4.0)
TCP/IP network, you must set up both the network print
Service Pack 3 or higher is required for proper operation
in Windows NT. Service packs should be installed by a
network administrator.
The Network Print Driver does not support the
“EtherTalk Printing Devices” option.
To print by TCP/IP with your NETWORK PRINT SERVER in
Windows, use OKI Print Monitor included in the Software
Utilities CD-ROM. OKI Print Monitor provides you with bi-
directional communication to your NETWORK PRINT
SERVER print server. Since OKI Print Monitor creates a
Windows NT Custom Printing Port, you do not have to load
Microsoftís Optional TCP/IP Printing Services onto every
Windows NT Workstation.
Add Printer Driver
1 Insert the Network print server Software Utilities CD-ROM
into your CD-ROM drive.
The installer screen displays.
2 Click Printer Driver. Follow the online instructions for
installing the driver in either a Windows 95/98 or Windows
NT environment.
When designating your printer driver through Settings,
Printers, examine the Printer Properties, Ports tab to confirm
that your printer is connected to the proper driver.