Using Your Printer E-23
Selecting Character Pitch
If the SI command is received from your software, the
character pitch selected on the control panel will be
overridden by the SI command.
Character pitch determines the width of the individual
characters and is measured in characters per inch (cpi).
Press the CHARACTER PITCH button successively to
page through the possible selections.
Epson and IBM emulations — 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15 cpi,
17 cpi, 20 cpi, or Proportional. The lights indicate
which pitch is selected.
Okidata Microline Standard emulation — 10, 12, 15,
17, or 20 cpi, either non-proportional or proportional:
proportional is selected when both the light under the
desired cpi and the light under PROP are lit.
To reset the character pitch to the factory default (10 cpi),
make sure the printer is deselected (SEL light out), then
hold the SHIFT button while pressing CHARACTER
PITCH button.
Available Fonts
Typeface Spacing
NLQ Courier 10 cpi*, 12 cpi, 15 cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
NLQ Letter Gothic 10 cpi*, 12 cpi, 15 cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Utility (Gothic) 10 cpi*, 12 cpi, 15 cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
High Speed Draft 10 cpi*, 12 cpi, 15 cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi
Bar Code** Code 39, UPC A, UPC E, EAN 8, EAN 13,
Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128, Postnet
* cpi = characters per inch
**Bar codes are available only through appropriate software
packages or through programming.