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Section 3 - Chapter 4 - Using the OkiLAN 6120e in NDPS
OKI OkiLAN 6120e User’s Guide
The buttons on the OKI Printer Control screen provide the
following functions:
· Identification ¾ gives you access to the location and
description of the printer.
· Features ¾ displays specific features of the printer, including
advanced properties.
· Jobs v ¾ displays the list of current printer jobs.
· Resume Output ¾ resumes printer output.
· Pause Output ¾ pauses printer output.
· Resume Input ¾ resumes printer input.
· Control v ¾ gives you basic printer controls, including
printer reset, form feed and setting for various print media.
· Status ¾ displays the current status of the printer (as reported
by the printer agent).
Loading the NDPS Printer Control Snapin in NetWare 5.x
To use the NDPS Printer Control Snapin for NetWare 5.x, copy the
snapin from the Novell_Snapin directory of the printer’s CD-ROM
to the location of NetWare Administrator.