IV - 74
Section IV - TCP/IP
OKI OkiLAN 6010e User’s Guide
4. The bootpd daemon transmits a response to
the OkiLAN 6010e with the IP address The OkiLAN 6010e will use
this IP address for all subsequent transmis-
For these steps to work properly, at least one BOOTP
daemon (bootpd) must be running on the BOOTP
server. To test whether a BOOTP daemon is running on
the BOOTP server, use the ps command with the show
all process option within fifteen minutes of an at-
tempted BOOTP request. Unfortunately, the ps options
differ from one UNIX workstation to another. Perform a
man ps at the UNIX prompt to consult a manual page
on the ps command for a particular workstation. If
bootpd is not running on a workstation, type man
bootpd at the UNIX prompt to consult a manual page
on the BOOTP daemon and how to start it.
Often TCP/IP networks are divided into subnets.
BOOTP does not work across subnets. When installing
an OkiLAN 6010e, make sure the following criteria are
met for BOOTP to work properly.
• Both the BOOTP server and the OkiLAN
6010e are physically attached to the same
• The IP address assigned to the OkiLAN
6010e and the IP address of the BOOTP
server belong to the same subnet.