40 • Configuring email Alerts
• Maximum number of message attempts
3. Click the Select Properties Button to customize the email message to include additional
device information in the Alert message.
4. Select all desired device information and click Save.
In addition to device-related parameters such as Location and Contact, PSV allows other user
specified attributes to be included in the alert email message such as telephone number, postal
code, or the contact's email address.
Testing Your email Alert Configuration
For convenience, you can click the Process Alerts Now button to make sure everything is
configured properly. PSV will process the alert and send an email message to the assigned
Configuring Status Events
PrintSuperVision allows you to customize certain Events that trigger notification emails. An “Event”
is different than a standard Alert condition where the print device generates the Alert and PSV
delivers the Alert in an email.
A customized Event can be created where a single condition or several conditions are assigned to
one custom Event. This can be useful if you only want to be notified when a critical condition is met
or when several conditions are met.
To test whether the email configuration is correct, click the
Send Test Email to Admin button. PSV will attempt to send
an email to the address specified. For a description of Email
Methods see installation/setup instructions described earlier.