Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in
this document is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Oki Data
assumes no responsibility for the results of errors beyond its
control. Oki Data also cannot guarantee that changes in
software and equipment made by other manufacturers and
referred to in this guide will not affect the applicability of the
information in it. Mention of software products manufactured
by other companies does not necessarily constitute
endorsement by Oki Data.
Copyright 1999 by Oki Data Americas, Inc. All rights
Second edition August, 1999.
Written and produced by the Oki Data Training &
Publications Department. Please address any comments on
this publication
by mail to: or by e-mail to:
Training & Publications Dept. pubs@okidata.com
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
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