The Öhlins front forks use a Cartridge
system for damping. This gives a damp-
ing force which depends on the speed
of the piston in the cartridge system.
The combination of spring and air-
gap (oil level) gives a possibility to ad-
just the characteristic of the fork to suit
different tracks and riders.
For example a soft spring in combi-
nation with a small air-gap (high oil
level) gives a progressive action of the
front forks.
For better understanding, please re-
fer to our oil level chart.
A telescopic front fork is depending
on a smooth friction-free action.
Make sure your front forks are serv-
iced regularly and don’t use strong sol-
vents such as brake cleaner to clean
the front forks. This will dry out the seals
and steel tubes and cause friction.
Regularly, put a little Öhlins grease
(148-01) on the steel tube and work it
in by pushing the forks up and down.
Öhlins Racing AB can not be held
responsible for any damage to spare
parts or person if the mounting-, main-
taining- and servicing instructions are
not followed exactly.
Also no guarantee can be given for
the performance and reliability if these
instructions are not followed.
Setting up your forks
We would like to give you some basic
guidelines, how to set up your Öhlins
front forks. However you must remem-
ber that the front forks are just one part
of your motorcycle and to get it to work
properly, the whole motorcycle has to
be set up according to your bikes
Put your bike on a front stand so you
can fit the front forks.
Maximum torque on the bottom triple
clamp and steering damper bracket (if
it is located on the diameter on the outer
tube) is 15-18 Nm.
Fit the front wheel and brakes.
Unscrew the adjustment housing on top
of the fork (use tool 797-01) on both
upper tubes and slide the fork up and
down gentle to make sure everything
works correctly.
Assemble the adjustment housing
again and set your initial preload of the
spring by using a 12 mm socket until
you get a ”static sag” of 25-30 mm.
Introduction __________________ 2
Setting up your forks
Spring preload adjustment ______ 3
Rebound adjustment
Compression adjustment
Changing springs
Changing seals
Dismantling the forks __________ 4
Assembly of the forks
Oil level adjustment ___________ 5
Technical information
Spare parts __________________ 6
Safety signals
Particularly important information is
distinguished in this manual by the
following notations:
The Safety Alert Symbol means:
Failure to follow WARNING instruc-
tions could result in severe injury or
death to the shock absorber operator,
a bystander or a person inspecting or
repairing the shock absorber.
A CAUTION indicates special precau-
tions that must be taken to avoid
damage to the shock absorber.
A NOTE provides key information to
make procedures easier or clear.
Öhlins super bike
front fork FG 9700
© Öhlins Racing AB.
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.
Printed in Sweden.