highest point by the 13th frame and the
model fixes her hair. Starting from the 18th
frame the hand moves down and acquires
the initial position by the 30th frame.
9. When working in the Manual or SemiAuto
matic Modes you can make the animated
3D series of the objects. For instance, you
may show how during rotation of the scan
ner its lid is being opened and closed.
When the turntable stops after a frame the
position of its lid must be changed a little so
that, say, from frame 4 to frame 13 the lid
will be evenly opened, from frame 14 to
frame 18 it will be fixed in the open position
and closed from frame 19 to frame 29.
While doing this it is very convenient to get
the information about the turntable posi
Figure 14.2